Monday, November 17, 2008


North Malaita student at Laucala campus has appointed their new Leadership team for the end of this semester and next year 2009.

North malaita student association was comprises of the following dialects or main languages of the northern part of Malaita, that is Toabaita students, Mbaelelea students, Lau student, Baegu and FataLeka student. who are pursuing their study at the university of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus.`

The newly appointed leadership team are as follows

President: Jones Otafalu
Vice President: Linus Samani
Secretary: Brian Mangi
Treasurer: Blondie Akwasia
Cultural Rep:1. Enly Saeni
2. Ken
Social Welfare1. John Buata
2. Ruth Ramo
Fundraising Coordinators:1. Danny Waneoroa
2. Jennifer Delemani

During the Final meeting and Handing over Ceremony,One of the Out going student Leader Trevor Mae’eda has stated that North malaita student have played significant role in the SISA (Solomon Islands Student Association) community especially in the Independences celebration and the UPS open Day, our contribution to SISA is recommendable and as wel as other association with SISA community.he said, those good things should be maintain by the newly appointed leadership team and the students or even build upon.

Mean while Stevaldo who looks after northern student social wel-fare has embraces the new leadership team and the student body to work together, he said 'having in mind that we are not educated only for the aid of our Families but to help Solomon Islands as whole after we finished our program.

Hence, the out going President, Milfred Delemani, has Given his last speech, that carry such a responsibility is another curriculum from USP, its challenging but it is significant in training of leaderships role. and which follow suit by the refreshment. every student of north malaita were happy and looking foward to worker to gether with the New leadership team.


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